A Community Association Since 1946

Bandstand Roof Crowd Funding Campaign
We are pleased and excited to inform you that our Bandstand Roof fundraising campaign has now begun! We are in the process of raising the last $8000.00 to re-finish the copper roof on our bandstand in Memorial Peace Park. The copper roof of the bandstand has turned black since it was built just over 24 years ago. With the last piece of fundraising from this campaign, we will be able to strip the roof and apply a finish which will turn the copper a green patina, as was originally intended in construction.
With only $8000 left to raise, we hope to finish the fundraising and begin the work soon. If all of our musicians and followers donated just $20, the fundraising would be complete, and the work could begin! Please consider making a small donation to help finish our roof campaign.
Maple Ridge Concert Band is a Not For Profit Association, and therefore, for your donation, you will receive an authorized tax receipt you which can use on your next filing of income tax. Donations of $2000 and above will have a brass plaque made up and affixed to the base of the bandstand along with other large donors.
You can make a donation in any size you like, though some amounts are tabbed to get you started. After your donation, consider spreading the word as far as you can by using Facebook & Twitter, or just forwarding this email to your friends. Please consider making a small donation to the roof fund by going to:
Help Repair the Bandstand Roof!
Bandstand Beautification Project Presentation - Feb. 20, 2014
On Feb 20, 2014, Gale Yip, current MRCB President, made a presentation to the Maple Ridge Council seeking permission to fundraise for the Bandstand Improvement Project. Gale did an excellent presentation, and was received enthusiastically by everyone in attendance. The Maple Ridge Council voted unanimously in favour of supporting our efforts to improve the Memorial Peace Park Bandstand! Click the slide show below to view Gale's presentation.

Here is a photo of Gale Yip, our president, making a presentation to the Maple Ridge Council regarding the fundraising for the Bandstand Beautification Project. The council and Mayor were very impressed with Gale!

Here is another photo from the same presentation showing many MRCB members in support of Gale and her excellent presentation!